If you don’t see your trading pair on an exchange page, there are a few possible reasons:
1. Token Not Listed on CoinGecko
For a trading pair to show up, the tokens in the pair must be listed on CoinGecko. To check if a token is listed:
- Type the token name or symbol in the search bar at the top right corner of the CoinGecko page.
- If the token is not listed, please refer to this article on how to submit a token listing request. Please note that CoinGecko will only support tokens that have met our listing requirements.
2. Token Listed But Pairs Still Missing
- To display the price of a market pair, our team must verify each ticker and map it to the correct token. This manual process applies to all centralized exchanges (CEXes) and decentralized exchanges (DEXes) that are integrated using symbols instead of contract addresses.
- For DEXes, if tokens are listed on CoinGecko but the specific contract address has not yet been added to the token's page, a token update or new token listing request is required for auto-mapping to occur.
- For CEXes, if the tokens are listed on CoinGecko but the trading pair is still missing on the exchange page, it could be due to the need for manual mapping.
- For manual coin mapping, please refer to this article on how to verify trading pairs.
3. Token/ Token Information Not Included in Exchange API
- Please ensure the pair information has already been added to your API. Missing information such as ticker symbols, trading volume, and last price can prevent CoinGecko from displaying the pairs.
If the three conditions above have been met, but the pair still doesn’t show, it may be because it did not meet our liquidity threshold or there's no trading activity.
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