1. Verify if the Exchange is Tracked by CoinGecko
To add a new exchange trading your coin on CoinGecko, the exchange must first be tracked by CoinGecko. For the full list of exchanges tracked by CoinGecko, visit our Exchange page.
Once you have verified that the exchange is tracked on CoinGecko, Proceed with a "New Listings on Exchange" request via CoinGecko's Request Form (https://www.coingecko.com/request-form)
2. Submit a “New Listings on Exchange” Request
Go to the CoinGecko Request Form.
Select ‘Update Coin or Token Info.’
On the next page, choose ‘New Listings on Exchanges/New Market Addition.
Complete all required fields to add your token to the relevant exchange.
After submission, you will receive a Coin Update ID (e.g., CU290524xxxx). The CoinGecko team will review your request within 5 working days and update it once verified.
There is NO LISTING FEE for coins/tokens listings on CoinGecko. Anyone claiming that they can list a coin or expedite the listing process on CoinGecko is a scammer.
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