To be listed on CoinGecko, a cryptocurrency must first be tradable on a cryptocurrency exchange tracked by CoinGecko. For the full list of exchanges tracked by CoinGecko, visit our Exchange page.
Do not ask your community to ask CoinGecko "When List?" questions. If we get repeated queries, the coin/token will not be listed.
To get started with submitting coins/tokens on CoinGecko, you may refer to the steps below:
Login to your CoinGecko account if you already have one. If not, please sign up for a CoinGecko account. You may refer to this article for more information.
- Once logged in, navigate to the bottom of CoinGecko main site and click “Request Form”, choose token/coin listing. If you logged in after you clicked “Request Form”, you should be redirected to the form. If not, please click this link.
- Select your type of listing request - either “Coin” or “Token”.
- Fill up all the coin/token details in the necessary fields in the form. Please note that fields with (*) are mandatory hence we encourage you to fill up as much information as possible.
- Upload token/coin image under Attachments.
- Feel free to type in any additional information that you would like to share with the CoinGecko team.
- Click “Submit”. Kindly ensure that you have acknowledged all the terms and conditions prior to your token submission. Once acknowledged, you would have successfully submitted your coin listing request.
To check the status of the listing request, you may click the “Your Requests” button. Otherwise, you may check via this link.
- Your application will be reviewed by our team as soon as we can.
- If you have further enquiries on your listing request, kindly submit a ticket at the top right corner of our page. Kindly follow our verification procedures for our team to evaluate your request accordingly.
For PREVIEW LISTING token application requests, kindly follow the instructions on this guide to complete the process.
If you would like to expedite your listing evaluation process, CoinGecko Fast Pass is a paid service that offers a processing time within 24 hours from the submission of your application.
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